About Me

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My name is Simon Walters - I work for Casa Alianza Nicaragua. Casa Alianza Nicaragua is a non-profit NGO, working to protect, support and rehabilitate children living on streets, victims of abuse, violence, abandonment, commercial and sexual exploitation and human trafficking. I work as a specialist member of staff, coordinating healthy and sustainable activities for the kids in our protection, and on the international development side of things - working with all the Casa Alianza sites in Latin America. I hold a MA in International Law and Human Rights from the United Nations University for Peace, and a MA in History from the University of Edinburgh. I am very involved in the Model United Nations, and in 2009 served as the Founding Secretary General of Mostar International Model United Nations, in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I also have experience in English teaching, coaching public speaking and debating, acting and radio presenting.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Another one of those happy endings....at least for the time being

When boys and girls are abused sexually, be it within their family, trafficking, rape, or sexual exploitation for commercial purposes, one of the consequences that we see very often, is the very high sexualisation of that child.

A girl, for example, who since 12 years old has been raped frequently and forced to have sex with multiple men in order to not be beaten up, has learnt, tragically, to hold next to no value to her own body, and to see sex as a way to survive.   This means, that when kids come to Casa Alianza’s residential centers, after having suffered in such horrific ways, we have to find ways to help them learn handle their sexuality and once again value their bodies and themselves, to no longer feel obliged to have sex with someone, in order to survive or just to be recognised.  

Isabel is 14 years old (names changed as always), she has been abused, raped, and forced to work as sex worker.   Severe poverty meant her mother was also working in the same fashion.  She now has very limited contact with her family.  Since Isabel came to Casa Alianza she has faced extraordinary problems.  On many times she has expressed desires to take her own life, she has injured herself, and the over sexualisation is a common feature to her behaviour.

During the Christmas period Isabel was finding things very tough.   She felt restrained and restricted and wanted to get out.  We all did our best to help, and I remember speaking to her on December 30, as we prepared to bring 2011 to a close, hoping she would see the benefits of staying at Casa Alianza. 

But things did not work out as we hoped.  Isabel had made contact with a guy outside, an adult, around 30 years old, and on New Year’s Eve, just after dinner she snuck out.  Witness later told us that the man had been seen lurking around the outside of Casa Alianza, awaiting Isabel’s escape, and no doubt had found a way of contacting her, and making sure that she would leave.  

When we received the news, relevant enquiries were made and the police was informed.  A few days later we found that Isabel was staying with her grandmother.  It was a relief to her she had managed to get away from what would almost be certainly further abuse and exploitation and had made it to a safe place.

Last night, however, as I was preparing to leave work for the day, Isabel arrived back to Casa Alianza.   I did not need to ask questions.  I knew, and I was delighted to see that she had made the decision to come back and make the most of all the care and support we try and offer. 

It is, for the time being at least,  a happy ending.

There are a number of reasons why I wanted to share this story.  One is to stress how very complex the psychological situation is for a child or teen who has been abused.   They are often expected to be shy and withdrawn, and so the over sexualisation can often take people by surprise and lead them to make the wrong decisions.   The other reason is to stress just how very difficult it is for boys and girls who have been abused and have had their confidence and self-worth shattered.   As this article is stressing, it may look like they are fine, but it is vital to look beyond the surface, and to do our best to see what is really going on, and in spite of all the difficulties, keep doing all we can to help, protect and support. 

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